Reporting to the Lead Systems Engineer, the successful candidate will contribute to the Systems Engineering (SE) organization by working with the team to write and maintain system level requirements, coordinating interfaces between subsystems, process change requests, and manage technical budgets. System Level requirements are updated periodically by Systems Engineering to ensure that the higher-level science requirements are achievable and that the telescope meets its functional and performance requirements. Subsystem requirements are maintained by the various subsystems and instrument payloads. The candidate will facilitate negotiations between the subsystem and system level requirements. Requirements that need the most amount of negotiation include Utility allocations for things such as Power, Communication Lines, Air, Refrigerants, and Coolants. In addition, the candidate will work with the Subsystem and Instrument Payload teams to define interfaces and document them in Interface Control Documents (ICD), especially as they pertain to Utilities. Finally, the candidate will help to process Change Requests and assess their associated cost, schedule, and technical impacts to the project.
The candidate will work on Utility budgets and requirements and how budget allocations are distributed throughout the telescope. This includes optimizing those budgets and performing trade studies to support decisions on setting the allocations for the respective subsystems and instrument payloads. The GMT project is currently at a Preliminary Design level and optimizing these budgets is in the interest of the entire telescope as it moves into the final design phase. The candidate will audit subsystem and payload utility budgets and then make recommendations on where allocations might be adjusted. The candidate will also make recommendations on the design of the utilities, especially as they relate to areas where the design can be optimized for space, weight, and their routing.
In addition, the candidate will work on the development of Verification and Validations Plans. This includes working with the Lead Systems Engineer in developing processes for verifying requirements from the subsystems to the system level, and then validating that the telescope functions and performs as is intended. This effort also includes working with the Assembly, Integration, Verification and Commissioning (AIVC) manager to develop a plan for how system level requirements are verified for Utilities. The candidate will develop strategies for how verification artifacts are generated and then linked with their respective requirements, develop a process for their final acceptance, how to handle waivers, and work with subsystem contractors to review their deliverables to ensure that they have met their requirements before final acceptance. The candidate should be proficient in IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next or equivalent software for managing requirements and interfaces. The candidate will validate that Utility budgets have been properly flowed down to the subsystems and instrument payloads.